Based on the comic “Yamato Nadeshiko Shichihenge” (The Wallflower) by Tomoko Hayakawa. This is a love comedy about Kyohei, who is so good looking that it sometimes becomes a problem for him, and Sunako, a girl who looks and acts like she has just come out of a horror movie.
Kyohei is fired yet again from his part time job after screaming at the manager who tried to seduce him. He is broke and does not have enough money to pay rent. Just around this time, the landlord comes up with a proposition. She tells Kyohei and his housemates that if they manage to turn her niece Sunako into a “lady”, their rent will be waived. Kyohei and his housemates all agree to this, but the niece who appears before them is not at all the kind of person they were expecting to see…
Read more: http://www.jdramazone.com/#ixzz0kyMrkTLE
personal opinions :3
i may not be that much of a J-drama fan (im more of koreanovelas..) but this sure is one exception.. it’s like BOF sans geum jandi, packed with more issues.. lols.. XD
how they change from the beginning of the series until the end was something worthy of applause..
they were able to show how these “problematic” protagonists managed their complexes and defeated their fears and insecurities, in a matter of 10 episodes without speeding up the story’s pace..
the gradual change of the characters happened smoothly..
the conflicts were clearly introduced as the series progresses and were eventually solved at the end.
the characters were portrayed well. their existence affects the others.. as if everyone had an important role in that mansion, and the absence of one could mean imbalance to the whole story.
the series was also able to show various societal problems which were new to me…societal pressures, social withdrawal, anxiety neurosis, emotional breakdown and etc. rarely happens here in my country since we’re born and raised happy and optimistic.. it made me realize that despite living in a 3rd world country, pinoys know how to handle problems.. :D
despite the occasional eccentricities and exaggeration, i enjoyed the series!!.. a must-watch for J-enthusiasts and asian drama buffs..
“if you care for someone but couldn’t show it because you’re afraid, you’ll end up losing them without even doing anything at all..”
** i really love her gothic and skulls collections! skull blanket, skull bracelet, skull wayfarers, band-aid with skull prints, skulls, skulls, and more skulls!!.. XD