Tuesday, April 20, 2010

“Paaram Muna! Arisu na ako!!”..

Me is being kick-ass couch coffee-bread-papaya today!.. :D

been watching YNSH since this morning with my brothers.. and im down to 3 more episodes.. yaay! :>

ate 2 slices of papaya for lunch, bread and coffee for snacks, and 4 drool-worthy ikemen! :D

the series surprised me when one of the characters suddenly spoke tagalog!

i was amazed! this be meh first time to here a character speaking some tagalog phrase in a japanese-dubbed anime!

She said: “Paaram Muna! Arisu na ako!!”..(Paalam muna! alis na ako..)

if it weren’t for the *author’s note that appeared at the upper right side of the tv, I would never notice because it still sounded japanese-y! hahahaha.. XD

*Author’s note: “goodbye for now! im going out” in Tagalog..

yaay~! at least Japan recognizes our country, despite belonging to the 3rd world… *tears of joy* ~__~

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