Tuesday, October 27, 2009

WTF: What the Facebook!

howdy! karen here.. this is my first blog entry here at i've been blogging random stuffs about 3 years ago but unfortunately stopped the habit since i signed up on Facebook.. nyahahaaha! Facebook is really evil.. for me, it's the evilest thing ever created by! of course, it made me forgot my passion for blogging, writing and sketching. i learned to procrastinate school work. i pass mediocre plates since most of my time are spent being online at FB.. hahaha! and lastly, i honestly gained weight from sitting hours and hours in front of the pc! bwahahaha.. despite its negative effects on my lifestyle, i still love it.. FB reconnects me with my unknown relatives from far-flung regions of the country. i even got the chance to know a cousin whom i've never met in my entire life, and is living thousands of miles away!.. (he's in the US, im from the Philippines, FYI! :D) i get to keep in touch with my current classmates and friends. we often discuss school works and plan out leisure activities over at FB. aside from that, i also have my friends and classmates from gradeschool and high school there. so it's like everyday is a reunion for all of us! im sure you guys get what i mean! you're experiencing the same thing too right!? hahaha.. right now, im sooooo into NINJA SAGA. although it's all made of Flash, the concept of the game is cool. Role-playing game is love! <3 however, my ninja needs to eat more onigiri. NOOBIE desu~! hope i dont get bored of this game like what happened to my Resto City.. hahaha! and hopefully the creator of the game updates it every now and then with lotsa good stuff, to keep our ninja fire burnin'!... OHHHH YEAAAAAH! ... :D :D :D

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