May 28, '09 4:39 PM

pretty awesome cake!
i sooo love the ending and how everything turned out well. hope a second season comes out! it would be great to see Diva's beautiful kids all grown up, Hagi all well again, Kai and the others with wrinkles, Julia's cute kid, Mao and Okamura (it's obvious they'll end up together!), and LuLu! ^_^
the ending was quite a tearjerker. the scene where kai gave saya a piggyback ride to the"place where it all started" reminds me of Endless Love:Autumn in my Heart. Saya might be immortal, but being asleep for 30 years is just like being dead!! by the time she wakes up, everyone is old!..
im glad Hagi's still alive, at least, someone's going to be there for her and the next generation chiroptera queens when Kai and their friends age.
this anime is packed not only with action but also with life's greatest lessons.
each character's determination to live and enjoy a normal life is very inspiring. the anime taught us to value the presence of each being, especially those close to our hearts. and even if we lose important people in our lives, they won't totally abandon us because they'll continue to live in our memories forever.
however, i was a bit dissapointed with regards to the fight scenes. i wasn't satisfied.. i needed more blood curdling fights. and how Diva died was unexpected.. she was really strong! but, her life ended because of one important information she overlooked.
this series needs a second season.. Nathan, Diva's chevalier still exist. maybe he has future plans of using Diva's children for his own selfish intentions.. oh well.. whatever happens, Saya and Haji will be there to protect the girls, and the entire world.
Blood: the Last Vampire.. YOU'RE NEXT!
(i'll miss you Solomon.. ^_^)

(a repost from my multiply site:
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